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Design and Validation of Digital Controllers for Hydraulics Systems

Pontus Boström, Matti Linjama, Lionel Morel, Lauri Siivonen, Marina Waldén, Design and Validation of Digital Controllers for Hydraulics Systems. TUCS Technical Reports 800, Turku Centre for Computer Science, 2006.


In order to increase the flexibility and performance of hydraulically
actuated machines there is a demand for more intelligent controllers.
This leads to a rapid increase in complexity of the control systems. To
manage the complexity and to ensure reliability of these systems, adequate
software development methods are needed. In this work, we propose a
methodology for structured design of digital hydraulics controllers in
Simulink/Stateflow. A model architecture based on mode-automata is
introduced to separate control and data processing. Furthermore, design by
contract is advocated as a method for system development. The contracts can
be used to mathematically reason about correctness of Simulink/Stateflow
models and thereby increase the safety and reliability of the developed
systems. The usefulness of these concepts are demonstrated on a larger case
study from the area of digital hydraulics.


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BibTeX entry:

  title = {Design and Validation of Digital Controllers for Hydraulics Systems},
  author = {Boström, Pontus and Linjama, Matti and Morel, Lionel and Siivonen, Lauri and Waldén, Marina},
  number = {800},
  series = {TUCS Technical Reports},
  publisher = {Turku Centre for Computer Science},
  year = {2006},
  keywords = {Controller Architecture, Mode-Automata, Simulink/Stateflow, Design by Contract, Reliability},
  ISBN = {978-952-12-1842-2},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Distributed Systems Laboratory (DS Lab)

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