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Formal Transformation of Platform Independent Models into Platform Specific Models in MDA

Pontus Boström, Mats Neovius, Ian Oliver, Marina Waldén, Formal Transformation of Platform Independent Models into Platform Specific Models in MDA. TUCS Technical Reports 759, Turku Centre for Computer Science, 2006.


This paper introduces a method for formal transformation of platform
independent models (PIM) to platform specific models (PSM) in a model
driven architecture (MDA) context. The models are constructed using
statemachines in the Unified Modelling Language (UML). As a formal
framework for reasoning about the models we use Event B. In this paper we
focus on fault tolerance features. Fault tolerance is not considered in the
PIM in order to make the models reusable for different platforms. On the
other hand, the PSM often has to consider platform specific faults.
However, fault tolerance mechanisms cannot usually be introduced as a
refinement in the PSM. In this paper we introduce a model transformation of
the PIM in order to preserve refinement properties in the development of
the PSM. Design patterns are used for guiding the development. UML is
widely used in industry and therefore this development method can be
beneficial for developing reliable applications in many different
application areas.


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BibTeX entry:

  title = {Formal Transformation of Platform Independent Models into Platform Specific Models in MDA},
  author = {Boström, Pontus and Neovius, Mats and Oliver, Ian and Waldén, Marina},
  number = {759},
  series = {TUCS Technical Reports},
  publisher = {Turku Centre for Computer Science},
  year = {2006},
  keywords = {Model Driven Architecture, UML, Statemachines, Event B, Refinement},
  ISBN = {952-12-1703-0},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Distributed Systems Laboratory (DS Lab)

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