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Multiobjective Efficient Routing In a Dynamic Network

Alaleh Maskooki, Yury Nikulin, Multiobjective Efficient Routing In a Dynamic Network. TUCS Technical Reports 1198, TUCS, 2018.


The paper presents a bi-objective integer programming model for routing and scheduling in a time-dependent directed network‎, ‎where edge weights vary with time‎. ‎It can be considered as an extension of the network flow model for the time-dependent travelling salesman problem‎. ‎The objective is to find an algorithmic solution for the optimal sequence of location/time points which gives the shortest travel distance‎, ‎with maximum number of visits‎. ‎A local search heuristic is proposed based on bi-objective integer programming model‎, ‎for time splitting and search scope‎. ‎The performance of the algorithm on real large scale sets are evaluated‎. ‎The results of this research can be used in various logistic applications specifically maritime service managements‎.


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BibTeX entry:

  title = {Multiobjective Efficient Routing In a Dynamic Network},
  author = {Maskooki, Alaleh and Nikulin, Yury},
  number = {1198},
  series = {TUCS Technical Reports},
  publisher = {TUCS},
  year = {2018},
  keywords = {Time dependent network, Dynamic TSP, Single machine scheduling, Bi-objective programming},
  ISBN = { 978-952-12-3738-6},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Turku Optimization Group (TOpGroup)

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