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Towards Reuse-Based Development for the On-Chip Dsitributed SoC Architecture
Moazzam Fareed Niazi, Tiberiu Seceleanu, Hannu Tenhunen, Towards Reuse-Based Development for the On-Chip Dsitributed SoC Architecture. TUCS Technical Reports 1020, Turku Centre for Computer Science, 2011.
The development of a reusable library of components for a multi-core segmented bus platform, the SegBus , is presented. The library is based on a plug-in that we develop and deploy within a modeling tool which eventually used by the SegBus DSL while developing applications targeting the SegBus platform. The steps required in building the library and embed it into a plug-in are discussed with the certain use of it within the design methodology.
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BibTeX entry:
title = {Towards Reuse-Based Development for the On-Chip Dsitributed SoC Architecture},
author = {Niazi, Moazzam Fareed and Seceleanu, Tiberiu and Tenhunen, Hannu},
number = {1020},
series = {TUCS Technical Reports},
publisher = {Turku Centre for Computer Science},
year = {2011},
keywords = {Platform-based design, reusability, computer-aided design, CAD, on-chip interconnection networks, modeling},
ISBN = {978-952-12-2644-1},
Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Communication Systems (ComSys)