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Expressive Power of LL(k) Boolean Grammars

Alexander Okhotin, Expressive Power of LL(k) Boolean Grammars. TUCS Technical Reports 823, Turku Centre for Computer Science, 2007.


The family of languages generated by Boolean grammars and usable with the recursive descent parsing is studied. It is demonstrated that Boolean LL languages over a unary alphabet are regular, while Boolean LL subsets of &Sigma;*a* obey a certain periodicity property, which, in particular, makes the language { <i>a<sup>n</sup></i> <i>b</i><sup>2<sup><i>n</i></sup></sup> | <i>n</i> &ge; 0 } nonrepresentable. It is also shown that { <i>a<sup>n</sup> b<sup>n</sup> c s</i> | <i>n</i> &ge; 0, <i>s</i> &isin; {<i>a,b</i>} } is not generated by any linear conjunctive LL grammar, while linear Boolean LL grammars cannot generate { <i>a<sup>n</sup> b<sup>n</sup> c</i>* | <i>n</i> &ge; 0 }.


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BibTeX entry:

  title = {Expressive Power of LL(k) Boolean Grammars},
  author = {Okhotin, Alexander},
  number = {823},
  series = {TUCS Technical Reports},
  publisher = {Turku Centre for Computer Science},
  year = {2007},
  keywords = {Boolean grammars, conjunctive grammars, language equations, parsing, recursive descent},
  ISBN = {978-952-12-1912-2},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): FUNDIM, Fundamentals of Computing and Discrete Mathematics

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