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meets the exciting future

Software Construction Laboratorium

The Software Construction Laboratory studies techniques and methods for software construction, both in the small and in the large, with particular emphasis on the construction of highly reliable and functionally correct software systems. Our research encompasses analysis and design methods, programming methodology, development tools, and software processes. The laboratory conducts both basic and applied research in the area of software construction.

The basic research concerns program correctness, semantics, and formal methods. Our focus is on programming logics, in particular refinement calculus, action systems and separation logic. We study several different programming paradigms, including imperative, functional, parallell and invariant based programs.

The applied research concerns the integration of formal techniques into software development tools and processes. We also conduct empirical evaluation of new methods and tools.

Leader of the unit

Ralph-Johan Back


Johannes Eriksson Linda Mannila Viorel Preoteasa


Click here to see the full list of publications from the TUCS Publication Database