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When to apply in the Doctoral Programme in Mathematics and Computer Sciences, and available places

During the time period 2–30 September 2013, the Doctoral Programme in Mathematics and Computer Science invites applications for:

  1. The right to pursue a doctoral decree at the University of Turku
  2. University of Turku Graduate School (UTUGS)-funded doctoral training positions
    A UTUGS-funded doctoral training position may begin on 1 January 2014 at the earliest and is for a maximum of four years. UTUGS doctoral training positions are primarily intended for full-time doctoral dissertation research with the aim of completing the doctoral degree in four years.

    Duties assigned to a doctoral candidate employed on a UTUGS-funded training position other than those related to doctoral dissertation research must not compromise the fulltime doctoral dissertation research and can be at most 5% (80 h) of the annual working time of the doctoral candidate. The 5 % rule does not apply to such teaching given by the doctoral candidate which can be imbedded in the doctoral degree as ECTS.

    The salary is based on the salary system of Finnish universities and it consists of a task-specific salary component and personal performance salary component. The task-specific salary component of the doctoral candidate is at level 2–4 of teaching and research personnel and is 1944,69–2403,36 € / month. In addition a surplus based on the personal performance level, which is at maximum 46,3% of the task level will be paid.

    The goal of the Doctoral Programme in Mathematics and Computer Sciences is to ensure doctoral candidates funding for maximum of four years. Part of the funding is covered by UTUGS funded doctoral training position and the rest by other funding.