Where academic tradition
meets the exciting future

TUCS Newsletter 27.4.2012

Content of the newsletter


TUCS Research Programmes and Distinguished Lecture Series

In order to address future challenges TUCS is renewing its research and innovation strategy. TUCS is launching four research programmes and a TUCS Distinguished Lecture Series.

TUCS Research Programmes:

The research programmes will start their activities 1st of May. Details on the research programmes can be found on our website at http://tucs.fi/research/.

TUCS Distinguished Lecture Series:

TUCS is planning to start a TUCS Distinguished Lecture Series. The goal is to invite to TUCS world-level speakers in any of the research areas of TUCS, and thus reach out to the large community around TUCS. The lecture series is planned to start in Fall 2012.

Articles on the renewals can be found (in Finnish) on the University of Turku webpage:
as well as on the Turku Science Park webpage:


TUCS Spring meetup

On April 13th the first student organized TUCS event was held by a several graduate students at Panimoravintola Koulu. Approximately ten people from different TUCS groups attended the event, leading to many new introductions. The good company made for a fun evening with great food and drinks. Future events are being planned and we hope that more TUCS members will be able to join us in the future as we make it a regular occurrence. For more information on the event you can see the Facebook event page at: https://www.facebook.com/events/369314943091410/, or view pictures on the TUCS Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/TurkuCentreForComputerScience.TUCS.


Turku Agile Day 15.–16.5.2012

Turku Agile Day, conference on software development, will be taking place in the ICT building in 15.-16.5.2012. More information: http://turkuagileday.fi/


TUCS PhD student toolkit: registration by 11.5.2012

Turku Centre for Computer Science (TUCS) is hosting a new course on practical aspects of research and the academic vs. enterprise R&D.

“TUCS PhD Student Toolkit” is a graduate course targeted for doctoral students and researchers. The aim of the course is to provide an intensive information package for successful PhD studies, research funding possibilities, innovation processes, communication skills and R&D activities in both academia and business environment. The course language is English.

Friday 25.5.2012, 9.15-15.30 &
Friday 1.6.2012, 9.15-15.00

Lecture room Beta, ICT-building


Course webpage:

Registration: By email to Outi Tuohi (otuohi@abo.fi) by Friday 11th May 2012.


Courses on transferable skills at University of Turku

Continuous seminars & courses

First Article Language Checking Service
Time: 1.3.-31.12.2012- nb! summer break 15.6.-15.8.2012
Target group: PhD students at the University of Turku working on their first article for publication (in English)
Organizers: The University of Turku Language Centre and UTUGS

Life after PhD - Seminars in the Spring 2012
Time & Place : 30.1., 5.3., 2.4. and 7.5.2012 (for details, see the programme)
Target group: PhD students, supervisors, other researchers and those interested in the topic
Further information: eeva.sievi(at)utu.fi
Organizer: UTUGS
eRegistration for the seminar on May 7, 2012 (registration deadline April 27, 2012)
eRegistration for the seminar on May 22, 2012 (registration deadline May 14, 2012)

Frontiers of Science Seminars
Time: on Thursdays at 12.00
Place: Mauno Koivisto Centre auditorium, BioCity (Tykistökatu 6, Turku)
Organizers: Biomaterials Research, Centre for Reproductive and Developmental Medicine, Diagnostic Technologies and Applications, Receptor Program, Systems Biology Program, Program for Infection Biology and Infectious Diseases, Doctoral Programmes participating in Turku BioNet

Tieteen popularisointi – näin kerron tutkimuksestani (1 op)
Tohtorikoulutettava kirjoittaa väitöskirjatutkimuksestaan lyhyen (max. 4500 merkkiä) ja yleistajuisen jutun, luetuttaa tekstin ensin ohjaajallaan ja jatkaa tekstin työstämistä Suomen Akatemian tiedottajan Risto Alatarvaan kanssa. Valmis juttu julkaistaan Suomen Akatemian Tietysti.fi-sivustolla.
Järjestäjä: UTUGS ja Suomen Akatemia
Lisätietoja: Eeva Sievi (eeva.sievi-at-utu.fi, 040-1612970) ja Risto Alatarvas (risto.alatarvas-at-aka.fi, 040-828 0648)


Web 2.0 tutkijan apuna – tiedeblogit ja muut?
Aika: 21.5.2012 klo 12:15–15:45
Paikka: ATK-luokka Verstas
Ilmoittautuminen: www-ilmoittautumislomakkeella huhtikuussa - max. 20 osallistujaa (ks. kurssilinkki)
Ennakkotehtävä: ks. kurssilinkki
Lisätietoja: Sari Iinattiniemi (sariin-at-utu.fi) ja Solja Niemelä (solja.niemela-at-utu.fi)

Excelin perusteet
Aika: 11.5.2012 klo 8.30-10.00
Paikka: Turun kauppakorkeakoulu (Rehtorinpellontie 3, T57 kampuskartassa), atk1-luokka
Ilmoittautuminen: 2.5.2012 mennessä www-ilmoittautumislomakkeella
Kohderyhmä: tohtorikoulutettavat ja muut tutkijat (max. 24 osallistujaa)
Kouluttaja: Lehtori Timo Leino, Turun kauppakorkeakoulu
Järjestäjä: UTUGS

Excel suunnittelulaskelmien laatimisessa ja tiedon analysoinnissa
Aika: 16.5.2012 klo 8.30-10.00 (osa 1) ja 10.15-11.45 (osa 2)
Paikka: Turun kauppakorkeakoulu (Rehtorinpellontie 3, T57 kampuskartassa), atk1-luokka
Ilmoittautuminen: 2.5.2012 mennssä www-ilmoittautumislomakkeella
Kohderyhmä: tohtorikoulutettavat ja muut tutkijat (max. 24 osallistujaa)
Kouluttaja: Lehtori Timo Leino, Turun kauppakorkeakoulu
Järjestäjä: UTUGS

Statistics Workshop (1 ECTS)
Time: 23.-24.5.2012 at 10-16
Place: Pub 5 (Publicum, Assistentinkatu 7, University of Turku)
Registration: not open yet
Responsible Lecturer: Timo RuusuvirtaLecturers: Prof. Todd Little, University of California at Riverside
Organizer: DOPSY

Tieteen popularisointi
Aika: 28.5.2012 klo 13.00-16.00
Paikka: Päärakennuksen luentosali II
Ilmoittautuminen: www-ilmoittautumislomakkeella (avataan ajankohdan lähestyessä)
Vastuuopettaja: Anne Paasi
Järjestäjä: UTUGS ja TY-viestintä


Innovator speaker series at University of Turku

BID Business and Innovation Development has initiated a lecture series on innovation. The second lecture of the Innovator Speaker Series will take place on Monday, May 21st, at 12.15 - 14.00 in lecture room 16 (at TSE) held by: Aleksandra Karimaa: Management and Innovation in Software and Service Technologies.

The Innovator Speaker Series consists of open lectures on current and interesting topics in the field of innovation and business development. The innovator speakers are selected, front-row representatives of both business and academia, from Finland and abroad.

BID will run a series of innovator speakers each month in 2012. Lectures are open and for free for the personnel and students of the University of Turku and Åbo Akademi. For further information, please contact Kaisu Paasio (kaisu.paasio(a)utu.fi).


TUT Summer School

Tallinn University of Technology is hosting a Summer School on 16 July – 3 August, 2012. The European Innovation Academy 2012 will take place in Tallinn, Estonia. European Innovation Academy 2012 will take place in Tallinn, Estonia.

Innovation Academy is suitable for Engineering, Science and Business students as well as professionals who are intending to pursue a career in innovative management. European Innovation Academy 2012 brings together famous motivational guest speakers. Guest lecturers are innovation experts from world-famous and successful companies Microsoft and Samsung.

The Key Lecturer of European Innovation Academy 2012 Prof. Dr. Mark Harris is going to talk about Global Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Smart Business Models. Prof. Dr. Mark Harris is the former head of Intel Higher Education & Research Programmes

European Innovation Academy 2012 consists of three courses:

  1. Course "Innovation and Entrepreneurship" 16-20 July 2012 - 2 ECTS
  2. Course "Business Model Innovation" 23-27 July 2012 - 2 ECTS
  3. Course "Agent-Oriented Modelling for Designing Social Information Systems" 30 July - 3 August 2012 - 2 ECTS

Module "Innovation starts from vision and business model" includes all three courses that are provided during the European Innovation Academy 2012, 16 July - 3 August 2012 - 6 ECTS

Students and entrepreneurs are divided into different groups taking into consideration knowledge and experience in this area. Scholarships for the course fee and travel expenses are available for application!

Contact by e-mail anni.sinijarv@ttu.ee
More information: www.ttu.ee/innovationacademy


News at utuonline.fi

News from University of Turku (including a recent article about TUCS on their frontpage) can be read (in Finnish) at http://www.utuonline.fi/.


Meddelanden från Åbo Akademi

The new issue of Meddelanden (in Swedish) can be read at http://web.abo.fi/meddelanden/.


Apropos@Academy of Finland

News from the Academy of Finland can be read (in Finnish) from its “Apropos” website at http://www.aka.fi/fi/Apropos/.


Doctoral Summer School "Imagine the Future in ICT", Paris, 3-7 September 2012

Doctoral Summer School "Imagine The Future in ICT", Paris, 3-7 September 2012 (Co-location Center)
Deadline for applications: May, 15th.

This Summer School is planned within the frame of the EIT ICT Labs Doctoral School and will be organized by Inria, in collaboration with EIT ICT Labs partners. The specific focus of this edition is on Challenges of data management in today's digital world.

Download time table, abstracts and registration form here: http://eit.ictlabs.eu/ict-labs/all-events/article/imagine-the-future-in-ict-eit-ict-labs-doctoral-summer-school/

Please fill out the application form and send it to contact-imagine-the-future-2012@inria.fr as soon as possible.
Deadline May 15th. The summer school is based on limited attendance.

Keynote Speakers: Prof. Stefano Ceri, Dr. Serge Abiteboul, Dr. Roberto Saracco, Dr. Ioana Manolescu, Prof. Martin Kersten, Pekka Aakko.

Organization / Costs: There is no admission fee for attendees.
Travel can not be reimbursed on behalf of the organizing committee.
More information on the summer school, please contact: contact-imagine-the-future-2012@inria.fr

Travel grants available, for PhD students accepted to the summer school from EIT ICT Labs Helsinki node!
More information, please contact katri.sarkio@aalto.fi.


Open jobs at University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University


Latest publications at TUCS

Articles in journals:

Articles in proceedings:

Technical reports: